„In the calm and quiet twilight on the border between day and night
the huge remains of past centuries still stand,
and rise up in pointed arches and vaults
as witnesses of earlier great past
above the ailing present.“
Dear Friends and Supporters of Brick Gothic
This saying by the 19th century painter Caspar David Friedrich is both remarkable and comforting. Remarkable, because it seems so current. Comforting, because our Brick Gothic buildings bear witness to numerous up and downs in the past. This crisis will also pass, even if it takes its toll on each of us in different ways. All the more important in these times are rays of hope and as many happy moments as possible.
With this in mind, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy start into the New Year.
Cordial greetings with many thanks for the good cooperation
from the EuRoB Managing Board and the Executive Director
Christoph Pienkoß & Edith Kowalski