Day of Brick Gothic 2025

Day of Brick Gothic 2025


June 21, 2025 is the Day of Brick Gothic

On this day, numerous members of the European Route of Brick Gothic invite the public to enjoy special events, fascinating tours and exclusive insights.

Participating cities in 2025 (the program is constantly updated)


12 noon: Art break with Dr. Ruth Slenczka “Homecoming from New York – Caspar David Friedrich’s paintings of Neubrandenburg”
For Goethe, Gothic is a German architectural style that stands in contrast to the ideal of classical antiquity, on which French and Italian architecture is based. The Romantics enthusiastically adopted this interpretation, as did Caspar David Friedrich. His painting Neubrandenburg with the Gothic silhouette of the city bears eloquent witness to this. It was an ambassador for the Pommersches Landesmuseum at the Friedrich exhibition in New York and is now back safe.
Admission: EUR 6,00
Meeting point: Pommersches Landesmuseum, Rakower Str. 9, D-17489 Greifswald


4 pm: Themed tour “On the way between fieldstone and brick along the town fortifications of Jüterbog”
Duration: 1,5 – 2 h
Costs: EUR 10,00 per participant
Meeting point: Entrance to the Mönchenkloster, Mönchenkirchplatz 4, D-14913 Jüterbog
Please register at


3 to 4.30 pm: Exclusive insight: Experience a historical jewel up close
On 21 June 2025, the gates to a special piece of history will open for 77.7 minutes: the Stargard front gate (Stargarder Vortor)
Experience the fascinating Brick Gothic style and let Karsten Heilmann, monument conservator, give you exciting insights into the architecture, history and secrets of this impressive era.
Meeting point: Stargarder Vortor, Neubrandenburg
Duration: 77,7 minutes
Free entry


Culinary table in the “Friedgarten” of the Dominican monastery in Prenzlau
Further information will follow.

General Information about the Day of Brick Gothic

The special day declared by the European Route of Brick Gothic is held throughout Europe every year on the third Saturday in June and raises awareness of the cultural heritage of Brick Gothic.
The occasion for the first Day of Brick Gothic in 2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage, which was celebrated across Europe with the idea of “Sharing Heritage”. In Germany, Denmark and Poland, the Day of Brick Gothic is realised through the combined effort of representatives of monument preservation, science, the Church, tourism and administration and is coordinated by the European Route of Brick Gothic.

The member cities of the European Route of Brick Gothic combine the shared cultural heritage of Brick Gothic – the Medieval Brick Gothic architecture predominantly in the Baltic Sea region, which they aim to convey together to the general public. An important shared goal is to inspire people for conserving this cultural heritage.